Cosmetics and perfumes are products that are subject to sanitary and epidemiological expertise at border crossing the border of the Russian Federation.
In addition to the customs Declaration, each type of product must be accompanied by an expert conclusion.
Since the legislation in different countries regulates the production and sale of perfumes and cosmetics in completely different ways, customers will need to go through all the approval procedures to confirm that the product does not pose any danger, does not violate the law and can be sold on the territory of the Russian Federation. For customs clearance of perfume and cosmetic products and their further sale on the territory of the Russian Federation, a certificate of compliance with technical regulations (a certificate of safety of cosmetic products) is required.
It should also be taken into account that the customs clearance of cosmetics of some brands requires a permit for transportation from the trademark owner.
Some types of cosmetics and perfumes require special storage conditions (freezers or dry rooms). In this case, it is necessary to issue a customs Declaration as soon as possible by filing a preliminary goods declaration.
Not all customs posts have the right to customs clearance of cosmetics and perfumes: customs clearance can only be carried out where a laboratory is equipped for examination.