Industry specific solutions VBK

Industrial equipment and spare parts

VBK offers industrial enterprises and engineering companies comprehensive logistics and customs solutions for the delivery of industrial equipment, including equipment for the construction and modernization of factories. Transportation of industrial equipment accounts for about 30% of all transportation carried out by our company.

Kinds of industrial equipment and spare parts

VBK organizes transportation and customs clearance of industrial equipment and completing to it for the following industries:
  • Heavy machinery
  • Agro-industry
  • Construction industry
  • light industry
  • Chemical industry
  • Oil and gas industries
  • Power engineering
  • Autoindustry
  • Mining engineering
  • Metallurgy
  • Airspace sector

Features of customs clearance of industrial equipment

Equipment – is one of the most difficult categories for customs clearance. In addition, the clearance process of industrial equipment is complicated by different fields of it’s application which defines the CN FEA and that there can be various spare parts and removable parts. The duty rate on equipment imported to the territory of the EES can range from 0 to 18%, a wide variety of non-tariff regulation measures can be applied for its import, from mandatory certification to licenses of various ministries and departments, notifications of the Federal security service (FSB) and other documents.

The CN FEA code – equipment is divided mainly into 2 groups of CN FEA: 84 “Equipment and mechanical devices , their parts” and 85 “Electrical machinery and equipment, their parts”. To determine the CN FEA code for such equipment accurately, you must provide a detailed technical description, such as: technical passport, operation manuals, etc. To classify correctly spare parts, the description of both the spare part and the equipment for which it is intended. A preference of 0% VAT is provided for a range of equipment ( for example, 8438… – equipment for processing tea or coffee), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2009 No. 372 (List of technological equipment imported without VAT).

Certification – for certifying a detailed product description is required, and and for a range of products (mainly for household use) is required to provide samples.

  • Technical regulation of the Customs Union 010/2011 “Safety of machines and equipment”
  • Technical regulation of the Customs Union 012/2011 “Safety of equipment intended for use in explosive environments”
  • Technical regulation of the Customs Union 020/2011 “Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means”
  • Technical regulation of the Customs Union 004/2011 “Safety of low -voltage equipment”

Transportation of industrial equipment

In general the sector of transportation of industrial equipment shows active growth-from 5 to 15% annually. Positive dynamic is connected with economic growth and new markets exploration. Large industrial enterprises establish trade relations with foreign partners and ensure their presence abroad. That is why the demand for transportation of industrial equipment and completing is constantly growing.

Industrial equipments often appears in form of oversized cargo, in this connection adapted lorries, as well as railway, sea and air transport are used for transportation of oversized cargoes. Road transportation of industrial equipment is most common due to its

versatility and efficiency. Road transport gives an opportunity to deliver equipment from the point of departure to the destination without additional overload. Besides, lorries are widely used in combined transportation when it is necessary to bring cargo to the railway station or to the port of departure. Road transportation of industrial equipment is one of the most affordable kinds of cargo transportation.

Specialists from VBK company also offer to the clients logistics schemes for transportation of industrial equipment using railway transport – it is rather affordable for long-distance transportation of heavy and non-standard cargoes. At the same time, clients get a full package of services – design of cargo fastening schemes , delivery of equipment to the departure station, loading and unloading operations at the departure/ receipt station, as well as further delivery of equipment to the installation site. Open wagons, platforms, and transporters are used for transporting oversized equipment.

The advantages of cargo transportation of industrial equipment by water transport include high load capacity of sea and river transport, as well as the ability to transport industrial equipment in a single batch over long distances to other countries. Chartering of both partial and full ship lots is possible, depending on the volume of transported equipment. VBK also offers stevedoring services, releases, and port forwarding, including organizing and carrying out independent expert examination of the quality and quantity of cargo. We provide services for receiving, storing and transshipment of cargo in ports, loading/unloading from a ship, and design schemes for loading industrial equipment for our clients.

Air transportation is not so popular in this segment because of it’s high cost. But there are situations when you need to transport industrial equipment as quickly as possible, and then the only possible option for transportation is air transport. Air transportation of industrial equipment in Russia, the CIS, countries of the near and far abroad is carried out using special cargo planes, as well as Charter flights. Experienced VBK specialists select an adapted aircraft depending on the mass and dimensional characteristics of the equipment and the needs of the client.

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